Things to keep in mind before buying a car in the Netherlands

Jeyanthan I
9 min readJul 7, 2020

I was living in Amsterdam for 2 years and never needed a car as I bike everywhere. If not, I use public transports that are right at my doorstep.

After having moved to a new city, Almere, that is around 30kms away from Amsterdam, I realised the necessity to have a car. Relying on public transport gets increasingly inconvenient with the baby stroller to switch between trains and buses especially during rainy and cold days. On top of this, it also gets very expensive when we travel as a family. With a car, it is faster and easier to reach the last mile of the destination. Here are my learnings during the process.

Things to consider before buying a car.
As everything is more expensive in the Netherlands than most other European countries, it is necessary to evaluate the costs involved in owning a car and see if it overweighs the benefits.

  • New car — Go for it only if you wanted the latest model and have sufficient money to afford.
  • Used car — Best investment if you are going to drive often or if public transportation is less accessible.
  • Private lease — Good if you don’t want to worry about insurance, road tax and maintenance and just pay around 300euros every month.
  • Renting — Best for one-off weekend rides.
    If you rent often, consider if it is worth the hassle of finding a good deal and the right car every time, the commute time to collect and return the car…

